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How to Be Happy, dammit

How to Be Happy, dammit

SKU: 9178702


Aiming to perk up even the most cynical spirit, this self-help book merges psychology, biology, eastern philosophy, western philosophy, quantam physics and the zen of Bazooka Joe. Think love and happiness have passed you by? Think no schmaltzy book can help you capture the life-joy you're looking for? This book is different. You'll find no sugary sweetness here: this book tells it like it is, exploring the ups and downs of life in a straightforward, thought-provoking and humorous way. It's a self-help book for people who don't buy self-help books.  1st Edition


    Aiming to perk up even the most cynical spirit, this self-help book merges psychology, biology, eastern philosophy, western philosophy, quantam physics and the zen of Bazooka Joe. Think love and happiness have passed you by? Think no schmaltzy book can help you capture the life-joy you're looking for? This book is different. You'll find no sugary sweetness here: this book tells it like it is, exploring the ups and downs of life in a straightforward, thought-provoking and humorous way. It's a self-help book for people who don't buy self-help books.  1st Edition


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